Challenge the status quo by making it “pop art”
McDonald’s realizes people have unanswered questions about their food, so we’re reasserting itself to respond to questions, speak more honestly and authentically. We’ve invited everyone in the U.S. to learn about the quality ingredients in McDonald’s food.
The Solution
Using recognizable McDonald’s menu items paired with bold vibrant colors gave us a system for the campaign visuals. Infographics help tell the farm to restaurant process, acting as a playbook to help social teams answer questions in real-time.
The Impact
Engaged over 40,000 customers through social listening, generating 5.7 billion media impressions and improving brand perception among millennials, restoring trust in McDonald’s food.
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Infographics help answer questions in live time
These infographics guided the PR agency on social media, helping answer customer’s questions with facts in an open conversation. This was a unique way to engage with customers, at the time.